Job Interview Mastery

How to be the one Job Candidate in 1,000 who can confidently walk into an interview and instantly gain advantage over other candidates

Discover The Exact System I’ve Used

To Get

Job Offers, one after the other, over

the last 16 years

...and how to use the same system to gain advantage over other Job Candidates


Anthony, Mentor at UPA

May 16th, 2016

Dear Interview Candidate,

If you have the skills and experience that you know is a good fit for a job opening, and you know your skills and expertise is valuable to an employer, and you are frustrated because you can’t seem to get past the interview to get a job.

Or you’re just getting started in your career and you are having a hard time making it past Job Interviews…..

Then make sure you read this entire letter right now because…

In just a moment, I'm going to share with you the proven 3-step Interview preparation steps I use for any Job Interview to :

  • Get more employers to invite me for Job Interview
  • Get more Job leads
  • Get more favorable outcome on my job interviews

The great thing about this training, is there’s nothing difficult about it. It’s easy to understand and once you learn it, you’ll be able to start using it right away on your next job interview to…

Get Invited for Interviews for real Job Openings

You are going to know how to ethically turn these Job Interviews into a more satisfying opportunity to connect with your interviewer and build powerful rapport that can lead to Job Offers....

Look, if you're frustrated that you’ve spent months searching job sites (and you KNOW you have the skills that your employer is searching for), but you just can't find a way to connect to the interviewer to make them trust and hire you...

Then you'll want to read every word on this page…

Because Job Interview Mastery training is a proven path to connect with Interviewer so that they WANT to hire you.

Now, before we go any further, there's one thing I want to make sure you understand:

I don’t believe in any kind of “Interview” techniques, or strategies that involve short term tricks, hacks, or loopholes. That’s why…

The Job Interview Mastery training You’re About To Learn Is Probably Not Like Anything Else You’ve Seen Or Tried

What I teach is based on fundamental and proven principles of human interaction, advance psychological hacks for quickly building rapport and trust with your interviewers, word-for-word answers to tough interview questions, step-by-step copy and paste templates for “thank you letters” that work.

You just have to log in to Facebook to notice there’s a new “Job Interview” group popping up almost every day claiming and providing job interview questions that would not help you more than it would help your competitors.

While these fly by night Job Interview training always seem to be focused on teaching how to “trick” the interviewer, I’ve always focused on digging into the intellectual, emotional, and psychological aspect of job interviews.

Taking this approach has really paid off for me on my job interviews; It has worked for job candidates that came to my training, and I think it will for you, too.

Especially when you consider the astonishing results this strategy has produced…

Over the past 16 years, I've been fortunate to work on many projects that require one form of interview or the other.

I don’t share the result I have achieved or the result achieved by my students just to brag. In fact, I naturally tend to be more on the “shy” side and prefer to keep most of my accomplishments private.

But it is important you know I have been very successful in my career and I have developed a powerful course for tackling Job Interviews, and it has worked extremely well for me for succeeding on job interviews, and I believe the knowledge you will gain from Job Interview Mastery training will continue to work, and I think you will find it very revolutionary.

It is also important you know I had to learn everything about Job Interview myself. To achieve these results and develop this training program, I had to invest a substantial amount of time, energy, effort and money.

That’s because when I first started searching for Jobs in 1995, like most people…

I Use To REALLY Struggle To Get Job Interviews And Get a Job Offer…

Before I developed Job Interview Mastery Training that I’m going to share with you, I used to have a really hard time developing rapport with job interviewers…

In fact, for the first year of my job search, I tried so many things.

The one thing that always stopped me was my ability to answer, precisely and succinctly, job interview questions.

Often times I would spend several days, sometimes week, preparing for a job interview that I knew was a good match for my skillset.

The only problem was I could never get enough preparation to gain self confidence, quickly build rapport, or build trust with my interviewer ..too get past the interview stage.

It wasn't until I learned a very important lesson about self-confidence and the power of building rapport and trust, (which led me to create Job Interview Mastery training I’m about to share with you), that things started taking off and I started getting more job offers from employers

The afternoon trip that Made me a job search superstar.

When I was 27 years old, I decided to search for some old articles and I stumbled upon this newspaper cut-out that talked about Job Interviews –– I quickly learned and adapted some of the answers to job interviews. I got some good results but, most times, I am too nervous to answer these questions. Sometimes, I forget the answers I have memorized.

So after I tried this in a couple of Job Interviews, I came to the conclusion that there is still a few things missing.

The only problem is I didn't know what exactly is missing!

I knew there were people out there who getting job offers, who have the same certifications and qualifications.

So I decided to take some additional classes on how to tackle job interview; I also took classes on how to build self-confidence and how to quickly develop rapport with strangers. These additional skillsets too me a long time to acquire, but I knew I was onto something powerful

My First few Interview Attempt Was A Disaster

The first few interview I had was promising, but when I got to the job interview, I was nervous, I could not remember many the answers to the several interview questions I have read; once I left the interview, most of the answers I did not remember came back to me; I felt like going back to the interviewer to give me another chance. You only have one chance, you either perform while at the interview or not. As funny as this may sound, I was still hoping they would call me….but , after waiting a few weeks, I got the famous letter “we found a more qualified candidates” Again, I knew there is still something missing.

The Big “Aha” That Got Me More
Job Interviews Than I Could Handle

Fast forward a few months later, I went to a job interview seminar at a local university…

Here, they were more than just answering interview questions; they were teaching the more important soft skills that you need.

In this new training, you are no longer just the one being interviewed, you are also conducting interview for your employer.

The mindset that I am being interviewed, and at the same time, I am interviewing my employer changed the dynamics of my job search.

A very different approach, and somewhat counter-intuitive...


After the training, I decided I would try the same method..

So I spent another night reviewing and rewriting my resume. I prepared 10 questions that I planned to ask the interviewer. Guess what, because I had these questions, the interaction was more natural. It was no longer just a one way street.

After this beautiful interview experience, I submitted my resume to a new set of employers……

And guess what?

The Phone Started Ringing Off The Hook

Several employers called...each inviting me for a job Interview.

I couldn't believe the difference.

I’ll never forget the day I got multiple calls for job interview because I experienced first hand the difference between…

Having a mindset that employers are interviewing ME to give me a job as a favor and having the mindset that I have a lot to offer and that I need to interview employer, too. to see if the job opportunity would be a good fit.

The Mistake Almost All Job Interview Candidates Make
(And How You Can Profit From it)

Look around and you’ll see 90% of Job Interview Candidates (and almost all) making the same mistake I did…

Learning job interview questions, just the intellectual aspect of Job Interviews, without also mastering the emotional and psychological aspects of Job Interviews.

It doesn't work, and it never will.

If you want to get more job interviews… if you want to get past the interview stage and be considered a serious candidate… and if you want to walk into Job Interview with total self-confidence and be paid what you are worth….

The MOST important thing you need to learn is HOW to have that self-confidence when talking to your prospective employer.

In other words, you need to know how to communicate your values in a way that they know you are trustable and that you have the skills and value THEY are looking for.

Look: You can put your resume in front of employer who you KNOW would love you and benefit from your skills and experience, but if you can't confidently and effectively communicate how you will help their company, THEY won't even call you back, let alone hire you.

Let me repeat that.

Even if a company has an opening that is PERFECT for your skills and experience, they won't pay attention to your skills or hire you if your communication conveys low self-confidence in the first place.

The Way people search and interview for job Opportunities are Always Changing…

Where you place your resumes and biography is also important, because you'll want to place your resumes and bios where your prospective employers are looking to hire.

The reality is, the channels through which prospective employers are looking for new employees are always changing...

In the past TV, Radio, and Newspapers were the places to look for new job openings.

Then came Google, linkedIn, and Job Sites…

Fiverr, Elance, and so on…

These are all great places to FIND prospective employers, but without the RIGHT message that grabs their attention, you’ll be throwing wasting your time and getting no results.

You FIRST need to master the system of creating powerful resume, skillset summary, and resume introduction that grab and control your prospective employer’s attention and gets them to CALL you for interview.

Then, and only then, you need to know how to convert such interviews into potential Job Offers….

It's as simple as that — but as they say, “The devil is in the details”…

I’ve Done All The “Heavy Lifting” For You…

After spending 16 years mastering Job Interviews, studying the psychology of interviewers, and building trust and confidence when meeting with interviewers, and researching to find out what works…

I’ve developed a proven 5 Step “Job Interview Mastery“ training any job candidate can use to:

  • Create irresistible resumes that stand out and get attention.
  • Quickly research a company and your interviewers, create questions that indicate self-confidence and experience.

I've put this system inside a training program I call, "Job Interview Mastery", and I'd like to share that with you right now...

Introducing: Intensive Resume Makeover

The 5-Part System For Getting A Steady Stream Of New
Job Interviews

The Resume Makeover is a complete video training that teaches the exact 5-part checkpoint to evaluate your current resume and how to implement the improvements you need to convert a lame resume to a premium personal marketing document.

This is my complete “go to” resume makeover system that I’ve personally used in the last 16 years, and students I’ve taught it to have used for years …

If you've got the skills and experience, but you aren’t getting job interviews, then this program is going to teach you how to get more job interviews…

If you’re just getting started in your career search and you are not making tangible progress, this program will fix that—and you will start getting more job interviews and potentially more job offers. ….

If you want to grow stand out as the candidate that is perceived as more qualified than others, this program is going to show you how to take your job interview skills to the next level

Job Interview Mastery Details

The Job Interview Mastery training is a series of 10 training modules taught by me.

Each module contains 2 video, or more, video training sessions. Inside, you’ll learn my methods, word-for-word answers to job interview questions, and I will also provide you with templates for ‘thank you’ letters, or sample letters to use as your cut-and-paste response when a recruiter request for your resume.

In other words, I won’t just be teaching you, I’ll be guiding you through a deeper understanding of the psychology behind each answers you provide, and so that when you answer these questions, you can see, first hand, the impact it has on your interviwer; once you experience this, your self-confidence will skyrocket to the next level.

You’ll also find detailed PDF summaries of each session in case you learn better by reading, or need to quickly reference the training later.

Note: The program is 100% digital so you get immediate access to the entire training when you sign up.

Here's Just A Small Glimpse Of What You'll Learn Inside…

  • The one important and Specific Step to reduce tension in your body when you are about to meet with your Interviewer.
  • My 3-part formula that increases your rapport with your interview (If you're not able to answer questions without tension, , THIS could be the reason)
  • The most powerful channels you can use for getting your resume to the right employers.
  • The Step-by-Step process that I use to prepare for every interview (follow these step-by-step and you will go to every interview with a success mindset)
  • My best tips for asking the right questions (Including: Where to find the right questions that will resonate with your prospective employer, and how to confidently ask these questions so that you come across as self confident and trustworthy!)
  • One thing you should focus on in your communications if you want to draw your employers in instantly and give yourself an ethically unfair advantage over other Job candidates
  • How you can get resume in front of prospective employers and recruiters, so that it’s seen by hundreds of well targeted employers and recruiters.
  • 3 formulas for identifying Job recruiters that waste time and getting rid of recruiters who are essentially collecting resumes without a job opportunity (These 3 formulas are shortcuts to eliminate recruiters that are tire kickers so that you can focus on real job opportunities FAST )
  • How to create a high converting RESUME that gets EMPLOYERS to happily call you for job interview
  • Detailed word-for-word analysis of common job interview questions.
  • The most important thing you can do if you want to quickly build trust you’re your interview (Most people get this WRONG and it HURTS their chances of getting a job offer...but once you know this strategy, you'll have a BIG advantage over your competition)
  • The #1 thing you MUST focus on if you want your interviewer to see you as competent and knowledgeable
  • 2 words interview stars use during job interviews and how YOU can use them right now to get your interviewers full attention, get more interviewers excited, and get more job offers
  • The 12 most powerful words in the English language (The top job candidates, the one who really get hired, use these "power words" to get the attention of employers, and now you'll be able to use them too)
  • Three important parts to writing a powerful Biography that gets employers and recruiter’s attention and gets them interested in your candidacy
  • A counter-intuitive strategy for getting employers to reveal what exactly they are looking for and how you can present yourself as a perfect match FAST
  • WATCH as I coach you through an interview process LIVE. During the coaching, I'll share 4 principles of body language and how to use them to significantly increase your likability factor (Interviewers hire people they like and trust)
  • How to handle phone screening interviews (PLUS: I'll introduce you to a very special technique for shining on video interviews)
  • The Highest Leverage Answers to common interview questions (and the Secrets to Taking Advantage of every opportunity to impress your interviewer when they ask these high leverage questions)
  • The essence of successful body language (Get this 3-part formula right, and you can convince employers more quickly and easily. Get it wrong, and almost nothing you do in an interview will work)

And that’s only a fraction of what we’re going to cover inside “Job Interview Mastery” training

This training is 10 modules jam packed with me teaching you everything I know about Job Interviews. Go through this training today and…

Leverage Over 16 Years Of Research, Testing, And Development To Get More Job Interviews, More Job Offers, And Options

If you’re like most Job Candidates I’ve worked with you probably don’t have time to be learning several different basic techniques…

You need to be effective and efficient with your job interviews. You want to use your valuable time and energy on a strategy that will actually work without having to rely on mind numbing trial and error.

When you register for The Job Interview Mastery, you’ll get to leverage over 16 years of my experience and the thousands of dollars I’ve spent testing what works –– and literally cut your learning curve down by half.

This system is proven to work so you can feel confident knowing that you’re following a strategy that will get you results. In fact I guarantee it.

This Is Not Your Regular Job Interview Training..

We won’t be focused on basic skills like how to have a firm handshake or how to make eye contact.

I also won’t be giving you advice that you should arrive at your interview early.

That stuff is basic and it changes from culture to culture…and are too locale specific, …so, if that’s what you’re looking for, then Job Interview Mastery isn’t for you.

What I am going to teach you is a proven system for creating winning resume, word-for-word answers to tough interview questions, with explanation of the logic and psychology behind your answers, and how to activate psychological triggers that build trust and develop rapport with your interviewers.

Plus, I’ll show you my favorite ways to get your interviews to believe in your skills and experience and how to get them to see you as a self-confident person who will be a perfect fit for their team..

This System Will Continue Working Long Into The Future…

What I’m going to be teaching you has proven to work for me time and time again, and will continue to work long into the future.

That’s because everything I’ll be teaching you is based on human psychology which hasn’t changed for 1000s of years.

So unless there is a major evolutionary shift in the way people are wired, you won’t need to worry about this system going ‘out of date’. The skills you learn in this Job Interview Mastery program will pay dividends for the rest of your career.

3 Days Only: 90% OFF Flash Sale

Considering that I used this knowledge to get my current job, I kept it a close secret amongst my “inner circle” for a long time…

The only time I have taught this training to my 1-on-1 Job Interview Coaching Program to candidates who invested $1500.

I’ve never launched the online version of this training before, but when I do make this training available to the public later this year, it will be $970 — which is a complete steal considering what my 1-on-1 Coaching students had to invest.

For the next 3 days only, I’m offering a very special FLASH SALE, which means you can get close to 90% OFF and full unrestricted access to Job Interview Mastery for 1 payment of $970 97.

That’s not a typo.

For one single payment of only $97, you can get instant access to the entire Job Interview Mastery Training that others have paid thousands of dollars to access.

Plus, when you join you’ll have absolutely no risk…

Use Everything You Learn in This Training For An Entire 60 days And If You Don’t Start Getting Results, I’ll Give You A Full Refund

I’m so confident that once you start using everything you learn in Job Interview Mastery in your job search, you’ll get more job interviews than you thought was ever possible, that I’m going to guarantee it.

Here’s my guarantee to you:

When you register for Job Interview Mastery you’ll have an 60 days to go through the training and use what you have learnt on your job search and job interviews.

If you go through all the modules, use all the templates and do all the exercises and you haven’t seen a dramatic increase in the number of Job Interviews, just your completed exercises to show me you did the work, and I’ll give you a full refund.

That’s how confident I am once you learn this system and apply it to your Job Interviews you’ll start seeing results — and I can’t think of a more fair and reasonable offer than that.

Click the Enroll button below and let’s get started today…

This Offer Is Only Available for A FeW days…because classes starts next week.

This is a LIMITED TIME OFFER Join Job Interview Mastery Training Now Before Time Runs Out!

As soon as the available seats are filled, the price is going to be $970.

Grab seat, by clicking the enrol button now, before it’s too late!

See you in the training,

P.S. Remember, Job Interview Mastery is going to teach you how to get more interviews and how to convert more of your job interviews to a job offers.

If you have a the skills and experience, but you aren't getting enough job interviews or converting job interviews to job offers so that you can pick and choose…

This program is going to teach you a proven 5- step system to do so — and it is guaranteed for up to a year.

P.P.S. LIMITED TIME FLASH SALE: When we make this program available on my website later this year, it will be $970 and it’s worth every penny.

But for the next 3 days, only on this page, you can get access to the complete program for one payment of $97.

If you want to get more job interviews and more job offers, then take advantage of this offer risk free today...

Hurry This 90% Flash Sale Ends when I have 10 Students enrolled at this price. Be one of the lucky 10 students by enrolling now.

Get started now!